The main issue was the voxpop's.
First of all I took a camera to liverpool and managed to film about 5 people for the voxpops then got told to move by the security guards. However I didn't manage to be able to carry round the tripod so the camera was shakey.
The second issue with the voxpops, Robyn Quinn and Tom Lloyd who are also in my group managed to do some voxpops which were very good as they managed to get ages from about 10 upwards to the older generation. With this we managed to film over these voxpops with the interview.
Then we tried a third time and managed to get quite a few however it was during the week day where all the younger people are in school etc and people were rushing round and these voxpops were just simply answers for example, Yes and no answers. Which may be partially our fault for not making them open questions. Therefore we don't believe these voxpops could be used as they dont explain the question being asked as they were just yes, no answers.
Therefore Me, Robyn and Tom are hoping to go and do more voxpops, however this might result in the same problem as last time seems as Two out of Three of us in the group as busy at the weekends, therefore means that the filimg would generally have to be done during the week which means it may not be possible to get younger people to do the voxpops. But hopefully we may get some good ones.
More problems we got was with the presenter. We spent a whole day trying to get the filming right and when we got to capturing it onto the computer we realised that the microphone didn't completely work and all we got was wind blowing down the microphone. Therefore we are going to film this again and at the same time we have also thought of moving locations as none of us drive we would have issues with getting to the original location becuase most of the filming has to be done during our free's in school as we sometimes all have the same free's.
On the other hand the interviews went extremely well their was no issues with the microphone, the camera wasn't touch so it wasn't shakey and we all worked together, Tom took photos of us doing the interview, Robyn asked the questions and I was the one on the camera getting the right framing and making sure everything that we planned to be in the mise-en-scene was in the shot.
Another problem we experienced with voxpops, Me and Robyn went to liscard during our free's to try and get better voxpops seems as people didn't exactly give good answers seems as the questions we usually asked were not as open as they could of been. However while we were in liscard, we asked about 20 people. Some of them agree'd to answering questions however they didn't want to get filmed, some people ignored us and carried on walking, or most people said they were in too much of a rush to answer any questions. Out of this we only managed to get 2 people to do voxpops. However the 2 people we managed to get to do the voxpops were extremely good and gave good explanaitons on their opinions on halloween.
We are planning to go over to liverpool over the weekend, seems as it tends to be much more busier and hopefully we would be able to get a range of ages to answer the questions.
Saturday morning, Me and Robyn managed to get over to Liverpool for about 10.30/11 however Tom was late arriving. Me and Robvyn waited round for Tom then i had to rush into work. However this meant I wasn't there to help them film as I had to rush off to work. On the other hand they managed to get some really good voxpops just as we expected seems as Liverpool is much more busier than Liscard. We also tried asking people to just say Halloween which we wanted to make a collage of people saying Halloween to be in the opening credits.
The first thing we did in preperation for filming the documentary was gather some props to do with halloween such as: a pumpkin, spiders web with fake spiders in and a black rose. These were going to be individual shots for the opening of the documentary then last minute we decided to use something else as it would look more effective.
Interviewing for the documentary worked well. The location for the Vicar could have changed as we interviewed him in a conservatry which made it all eachoey. There we also problems becuase the vicars children were making noise but it didnt effect the filming in any way. The vicars interview worked well as he explained his points in thorough detail.
The other interview we did was with a teacher from our school who teaches sociology. We managed to interview him in a classroom and also in the mise-en-scene we fitted in a few sociology books basically to show that he was a sociologist. One of the problems we had was Mr Quinn had a slight stutter but we managed to edit it so it wasn't noticable. A problem we encounted during the filming of the interview was that we filmed over the Voxpops which meant we had to refilm them.
On halloween night Robyn managed to film two children trick or treating which has been used as archieve footage.
We also went down to a cemetry and got some shots of the church and of the angels and gravestones. These have been used as cutaways.
Overall I believe I have took quite a big part in the filming. Although i couldn't manage to attend every session, But when I did, I took charge of the camera and also had a large contribution to the mise-en-scene as I had the idea of putting sociology books in the shot for the sociologist basically to represent him.
The photographs below are photograghs that were taking to be a feature of the documentary however we decided against that idea.

This first image was going to be used as a cut away to show what teenagers tend to do on halloween. For example: Dress up and go to a halloween party. As we were originally going to show children trick or treating and show the difference between them both.

This image was taken before we were going to do an interview, however we changed our mind how we wanted it to be set up.

This is a picture of Tom and Robyn sorting out the camera so that we could check the microphone was working sufficently before we could do the interview. Just incase the microphone stopped working which would have resulted in us having to film it again.

This image has been taken and was going to be used as an image which would of been featured in a short video which was going to contain the audio clips for the questionnaire results. Basically to show people interviewing.
This is one of the voxpops that we did but it didn't work out well as the man only seemed to answer with single answered questions.
This image is of Tom in Asda.
This is Tom holding the pumpkin.
This is Robyn in asda getting the props from the Halloween isle.
This image is of Robyn setting up the camera.
This is the carved pumpkin.
This is me filming.
This is Me and Tom carrying the camera and clip board on the way to liscard ready to do some voxpops.
This is an image of Tom interviewing someone.
Good, detailed discussion about issues and how you are resolving them.
ReplyDeleteT - please remove the picture of the girl with alcohol.
Add shots of you and the team undertaking filming.